Sunday, November 24, 2013

Divas Catch Up

I've been very negligent about blogging in the last few months - since spring, really.  It is an indicator of how crazy busy I've been.  I don't think things have changed all that much, but I will try to focus on getting a decent post or two up today.  We've had at least one, probably two Divas Days and maybe more.  But one of the "benefits" of getting older is that the memory is pretty much shot - so I'm going to do a post of Divas Catch Up instead of the actual days.

Starting off with, here are some pix of our Gourmet Diva Sue's masterpieces.  Believe me when I tell you they taste even better than they look!

 Here we have Diva Joan demo-ing Quilt Aerobics.  Something I generally try to avoid!  :)  I would have  been over at the table stitching away.  Dorothy is always recognizable by her sock monkey slippers (at left in pix).
 This is one of the quilts finished - I quilted it on Max then Joan took over to do the binding.

 Quilting from the front....
 And the back...  it's an all over sort of swirly/spiky design.
I'm pretty sure I have missed posting pix of many of our Diva's quilts - but Kristie (our Organizer Diva for good reason) keeps careful records of our activities and I believe we are well over 100 charity quilts since we began back in about 2008-early 09.  Not bad for a few ladies who were all working full time at the beginning - now two are retired but the rest of us are still putting in our office time.  Pat on the back, Divas!

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