Well here it is - Canada Scramble all finished. Nothing fancy on the quilting - just swirly things - keeping control of the machine is my main challenge at the moment. I'll work my way up to complicated quilting designs!
We dropped it off to Margaret this morning, so here she is modelling Canada Scramble.
And here is a bonus "weather pix" - we had a Chinook blow in this morning. Here is the edge of the Chinook Arch. If you're not familiar with this - a Chinook wind is a warm wind that blows down from the mountains. We get them here fairly regularly in the winter. The City relies on Chinook wind to keep the roads clear of snow. In years like last year when it was really cold for a long time - the snow didn't melt and people got pretty cranky about the roads not getting plowed as much as they should have!
Quilts has turned out very well! That is one almighty cloud......