Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Making Clean-up Progress...

I've been moving furniture, organizing, cleaning, it seems, forever! But it's really only been about a week after work and this past couple of weekends. The reno is almost finished so I can do some serious cleaning. Getting rid of all that dry wall dust is a challenge - but has to be done because it's driving me crazier! I'm a very slow cleaner/organizer. I have to overthink everything, move things around, then decide I don't like it. And I hate to throw things out - but I am proud to say, I have been.

So... I moved Harley around - not sure if this will be his final spot, but it's a LOT better than where he was before. Note the picture frame that I found at a craft sale before Christmas! Now I will have to find some good "quilting pix" to put in it. I should also note that the quilt on Harley is one of the Divas quilts we made a few weeks ago. This is actually the second one. I quilted the first one a couple of weeks ago. This will be the first thing I do when I get back to sewing is to get this guy quilted too.

And the pix below is of my "office" desk. I took this for Kristie - she will be shocked that the surface is actually visible! I had to take a pix though because by the time she's here again, it will be six inches deep with paper again.

I really want to get this cleaning done! I want to get back to sewing!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mary looks like we are in the same place of sorting and re arranging our new spaces. I just did renos on my basement also:) nice new spot for Harley congrats and how doesn't have a messy desk some times;)
