Here are the Navajo blocks all stitched together. Now that it's together, I like it. Since I took this pix, I've added a black border. I had big plans to add even more, but I'm getting bored with this one - it's time to move on. I'll get it on some batting and backing. Backing and binding will be the blue
kokopelli print. Once it's done, I'll have Chris model it for some more pix.
Here is Kristie's lap quilt made using the same Navajo block pattern. Her's is great! It's much different from mine - she's used very different colours, added a border around each block (I know there's a scientific quilting name for that, but don't know what it is), and was very creative with the large centre rectangle for each block. Love it!
This has turned out fabulously well. Haven't said how much I enjoy your previous post too, looks as though you and your friends had a great day, thanks for pics of so many quilts.